Parenting Sessions
For Single Parents, Husbands and Wives, & Guardians
Tsombawi has been a camp counselor, intern and director, an after school assistant director, a career counselor, behavior interventionist, and is...well...a parent himself. After spending over. decade working with youth of all ages and their parents in the school educational system, he has found a common denominator within that decade that has continued to separate parents from the children. That common denominator is the lack of knowledge of how to be a parent.
Each stage or phase of parenting requires another level of knowledge and skill. Let's be honest, whether you are a single parent or you are married, the struggle is definitely real and at times can be overwhelming.
One of Tsombawi's life purposes is to help mothers and fathers become or continue being better parents for both their children and for themselves. He'll provide resources that don't require you to compromise your authority as a parent. No gimmicks or tricks that make you feel inadequate to be or become better at parenting. Just simple, foundational principles used for and by generations before and for and by generations to come.
Client Testimonials
How qualified they are as parenting mentors. Me and my wife were over there one time and it was bedtime for their children and the children started singing and were happy to go upstairs. That’s far from the case in our house. I said to myself I need to find out how to implement that into my house and get that started. It was amazing to see.
Omar & Andi
Your commitment to build your home on the foundation of the Word of God as a Christian. Putting God first is essential in our belief for a healthy and happy home. Your shared responsibilities in reading the Word to them, prayer, homework time and bath time. Also sharing in extra curricular activities such as soccer, karate, dance, softball and music. Your home also displays order and peace which is necessary for children to grow and thrive. You have established a healthy home environment with daily schedules and routines, chores, and boundaries such as monitored TV time and electronics. You also engage with your children through training and entertainment. You encourage reading and allow for time to do so. You both possess strong morals and biblical core values which are being taught and demonstrated on a day to day basis. You also are committed to a local church which helps to foster spiritual growth and development for yourselves and your family. Bible based discipline and training is at the core of your parenting skills and I believe it shows in your children, because they have a respect for God and for you as their parents.
Gerry & Monica
Tsombawi and Tamar Knibye are role model parents. They have raised wonderful children. They are well mannered, independent, kind citizens who work hard, follow directions and help others. When I see the family together they are almost always smiling and you can tell they enjoy each other's company. They find unique ways to make their children feel special and spend quality time with them. I have regularly commented on what great children they have and without a doubt it is due to the energy and effort they put in to raising them and the family values they epitomize.
Mike & Meredith
Tsombawi and Tamar are great examples of what hands on parenting is all about. Their consistency in discipline and fun is what makes their children stand out. They are committed to being an example of what being Christ like for their children. The kids are hands on in their parents business endeavors, they have responsibilities around the home, and they are held accountable when things go wrong. Thank you both for stepping up to the plate!
Damien & Hope
Mr. and Mrs. Knibye are outstanding parents of their two children. They are involved in every aspect of their lives, ensuring that they receive a well rounded upbringing from a strong faith and education to strong family values. They put family first, are excellent role models and are truly wonderful people.
John & Heather
Tsombawi & Tamar are the epitome of what God instructs for healthy parenting. Their children, and even those in their sphere of influence are engaged from a biblically based worldview, that is balanced, encourages relationship, instruction, correction, laughter and fun. I was so impressed with their approach to parenting, being an older parent of a younger child, that I asked them to care for my own child if anything were ever to happen to me. In one sentence, they are truly a biblical blueprint.
Carla C.
Session Options

In this section, you'll find courses on parenting from age and stage, discipline and rebellion, love and hate and more. You'll also find that they'll be some "lifework" you'll need to do as well as you complete the different courses.
These courses can be done in a group setting, as a couple or individually. Additionally, they can also be on a set schedule or be done at your own pace.

Seminars are an excellent way to address a larger number of people to experience everything in totality as a parent. It's also a great way to invite family, friends, co-workers or whoever you could think of who may be struggling in the same areas of parenting. In addition, you also get a chance to meet other mothers and fathers who may be experiencing some of the same struggles you are as a parent.
With years of experience, I’ve slowly begun incorporating different strategies to help you along your parenting journey. At the end of these seminars, you'll be more equipped as a parent than when you came in.