Books & Resources
Sharing the Story, the Knowledge & Giving Back

Letting Go of Baby, Too
Released July 20, 2022
When it comes to the loss of a baby, most times we hear about it from the mother's perspective. Women build communities around it, talk about it and create opportunities to even heal from it. It's very seldom, if at all, that we hear the father's perspective. What we fail to realize is that the loss of a baby affects men as well. The difficulty of building community around it, talking about it and even healing from it is a far fetched reality. This book talks about the loss of a baby straight from a father's heart, as open and honest as he can candidly be. It will help men acknowledge, talk about and let go of the feelings and emotions they've suppressed when it comes to baby loss. Letting go doesn't mean to forget but it creates the opportunity to move on without continuing to let this particular moment in your life leave a scar for years to come. So be encouraged, be inspired and be strengthened as you read this real life story.

Letting Go of Baby
Released January 27, 2015
There is a moment when you think everything seems to be going the way you planned. Then one day it all changes and you find yourself experiencing things that you never would have imagined. Take a walk through the life of Tamar Knibye as she goes through the loss of a baby before birth. As you take that walk, join other women who have also experienced the loss of a child. Stay tuned to see how they determined if it was really possible to move on with life while Letting Go Of Baby.

What's Next?: A Guide to Dealing with Grief After Loss
Released January 27, 2017
Grief from the loss of a baby, born or unborn, is one of worse things a parent should have to go through. When it’s not enough to tell your story or to hear others stories and you wonder, "How do I attempt to move on from this?" or "Can I move on?" Find explanations of the emotional roller coasters you may be going through and strategies you can use to begin the healing process.

Letting Go of Baby 3-Book Series
Released July 20, 2022
This series consist of the husband and wife couple, Tsombawi Knibye, Jr. and Tamar Knibye, who experienced baby loss, more than once. They both wrote their versions of what they experienced as a man and a woman. Letting Go of Baby was the 1st book released by Tamar Knibye, with the follow-up, What's Next? A Guide to Dealing with Grief After a Loss. The 3rd book in the series was released by Tsombawi Knibye, Jr. titled, Letting Go of Baby, Too. While the books do not necessarily need to be read in that order, they are short books packed with amazing details about emotions and feelings, actions and reactions, faith, doubt and more. They are absolutely great reads for anyone looking to deal, heal and be free that have faced or are facing similar circumstances.